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26426 Problems Notes Costs
Admission date2024-07-22
Final date -
Days in captivity85
SpeciesBADO - Barred owl
Ectoparasite - flat flies
Fracture - radius, right
Fracture - ulna, right
Parasitic - capillaria

Cause of injury: Unknown

Active patient

R/U Sx on 7/27

Found in Indian Trail,NC
Union county
Here is a summary of this patient's treatments and expenses:

Daily rate8515.401309.00
Physical therapy12110.001320.00
Surgery, major11250.001250.00
Fecal exam462.00248.00
Total  8447.00

Costs are estimates based on fees charged at a local avian specialist.
Radiographs and images

















2024-10-15 17:19 kc
Leftovers: 0
Food: 58 g ck
Exercise: 11x
Note R wing position
BARP. Flew 11x crashed 2x. NOLO. Clicking beak. Right wing was extended small amount and became worse as more flights were taken.

2024-10-14 15:54 RMB
Weight: 782 grams, Keel score: 4.5
Weight change: +35 g (5 %)
Food: 66 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Note R wing droop/use - holds out a little up, no droop
lots of fat on keel

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
Due to weigh and fat, decrease food slightly.

2024-10-13 16:26 AG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 62 g m
Exercise: 10-12x
Note R wing droop/use , Significant RW droop, no gliding, only flapping when in flight
BAR, perched, NOLO

2024-10-12 15:30 ABH
Leftovers: 0
Food: 65 g m
Exercise: 12 x

NOLO. BARP. Able to fly p2p with lots of flapping. Obvious R wing droop, feathers touching perch.

2024-10-11 16:38 MS/ Dr G
Leftovers: 0
Food: 68 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Vet check: Recheck flight, if time
Exercise: 10-12x
Note R wing droop/use

BARP, flew p2p. Vet notes pending. Exercised about 6x. Dr. G agrees flight has improved. NOLO.

Definitely flew more readily than last week, and circled a couple of times. Did tire after a few circuits. Will always have abnormal L wing carriage at rest - the question is, will flight be sufficient for release? Dr Gardner

2024-10-10 15:40 KK
Leftovers: 0
Food: 68 g m
Exercise: 10-12x. Flew 10 x
Note R wing droop/use. R W still droops. BARP NOLO

2024-10-09 15:53 jh
Leftovers: 0
Food: 66 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 10-12x
Note R wing droop/use

BARP, clacky, NOLO, water was clean
Flew 10x a bit loud and awkward in air, hovers/circles perch before landing, OMB after 6 laps
While perched - holds R wing up and away from body, L wing hangs 2-3" below perch

2024-10-08 15:00 MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 67 g m/ck
Release eval by staff
Note R wing droop/use

BARP, wings held evenly. Overall, bird has improved tremendously. Needs more time, but I think with more conditioning, bird should be ready soon. NOLO. Water was clean.

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
increase exercise

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-10-08
Examiner - MS
Flew 13x total. Great stamina, but after ~7x, bird started having a more significant lean to the right. No gliding, flapping hard, so not very silent.

2024-10-07 12:09 sec
Leftovers: 0
Food: 64 g m (+ vit + Ca)NOLO
Exercise: 8-10x
Note R wing droop/use-
BAR-P When I walked into enclosure he did not have a R wing droop.
When landed on perch during exercise, he would hold R wing out from body. He flew 6x then needed a "nudge" to fly by tapping his perch. He flew 8x total with 8th time flying into wall then to ground. He flew back up to perch right away.

2024-10-06 15:53 RMB/AG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 62 g m
Exercise: 8-10x
Note R wing droop/use

Banked once, flew straight, right wing droop after 4th flight

2024-10-05 15:30 ABH
Leftovers: 0
Food: 66 g m
Exercise: 10x

NOLO. BARP. Able to fly p2p with lots of flapping, good landings. Obvious R wing droop with feathers touching perch.

2024-10-04 17:14 MB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 61 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 8x
NOLO, QARP, refilled water- holding R wing out and slightly drooping, quiet, during exercise: circled behind perch slightly before landing, flappy, landed on ground once

2024-10-04 10:57 DR G

Flight is improved but still curves to the right. Abnormal wing carriage is persistent. Remains to be seen how well he will recover ultimately. Dr Gardner

2024-10-03 14:52 KK
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g m
Exercise: 8-10x. Flew 8x but R wing still droops.
Note R wing droop/use

2024-10-02 16:57 jh
Leftovers: 0
Food: 66 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 8-10x
Note R wing droop/use

BARP, clacky, NOLO
Exercised 8x, R wing droops while perched and also appears jerky in flight. Missed perch 3x

2024-10-01 15:30 lkm
Leftovers: 23
Food: 62 g m
Exercise: 8x
Note R wing droop/use

QARP, clacky as I approached, defensive, right wing is drooping when perched and in defensive position, using when flying and flying well, Ex 8x, LO 23 g

2024-09-30 17:30 GM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 70 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 8-10x
Note R wing droop/use

BARP, clacky. Bird completed exercise 8x. Did go to ground twice, but was able to get back onto perch. Clung to back wall twice in attempt to escape. When perched, holds out right wing at times, sometimes it drooped as well. Flight noisy, but bird used both wings to fly. NOLO. Water changed.

2024-09-29 12:07 fm/rmb

Food: 70g m
Exercise: 8-10x
Note R wing droop/use

BARP on entry. clacking. flew 8x. needed some encouragement to fly. not silent, but fairly quiet. gliding perch to perch. I could not tell if R wing was drooped - seemed to be more of a defensive stance/holding out.

2024-09-28 14:34 MS
Weight: 747 grams, Keel score: 4.0, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: -30 g (4 %)
Food: 65 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Keel check
Note R wing droop/use

BARP, flew p2p when we entered. I'm impressed by this bird's progress. Still has a notable lean to the right but nothing compared to what it was in R28. Much more silent, as well. Wing wasn't drooped, just slightly held out that the wrist. I'd be interested to see how much flight improves with increased exercise. NOLO. Changed water.

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
increase exercise

2024-09-27 12:00 MS

FASTED due to tropical storm

2024-09-26 10:24 RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 73 g m/ck
no exercise due to rain
Note R wing droop/use - Did fly a couple of times, no wing droop but does hold wing back and up a little more than other when at rest.

2024-09-25 16:15 MB
Leftovers: 33
Food: 67 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 6-8x
Note R wing droop/use

BAR LO:33g m. 6x flight was slightly uneven. no noticeable R droop

2024-09-24 15:05 LKM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 66 g m
Exercise: 6x
Note R wing droop/use

BARP, clacky, defensive, right wing is drooping but bird is using it when flying and flying well, landed on ground behind perch 2x then up to perch, NOLO

2024-09-23 17:09 RMB/srm

Food: 60g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 6-8x
Note R wing droop/use

Bar, perched, flew well but needed encouragement and flew over the perch a couple of times, right wing drooped a bit but didn't seem to effect flight

2024-09-22 15:45 EGG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 61 g m
BAR, Perched, NOLO. Flew while I was placing food. Wing seemed good inflight. Still has droop when perched. R wing held slightly lower and more angled than left when trying to intimidate me. Clacked and hissed too.
Note R wing droop/use

2024-09-22 10:55 EGG

Food: 60-65 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 6-8x
Note R wing droop/use
BAR, Perched. Ex. 6x. Really reluctant to fly.

2024-09-21 17:30 MS

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
switch to light exercise, note wing droop

2024-09-21 14:15 ABH
Leftovers: 0
64 g ck

NOLO. BARP. Refused to fly, even with encouragement. Lots of clacking and hissing. Very defensive. Unable to observe R wing droop.

2024-09-20 17:03 me
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 131 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 8-10x
Note R wing droop for orange - did not check/evaluate since moving tomorrow
[26392] / 18110/penguins / HY / UNK - 10x
[26426] / 18156/orange / HY / UNK - 0x

2024-09-20 14:43 Dr G/ MS

Not flying well in larger Mew. Able to get from one perch to another, but then tires and refuses to fly.
Needs to be downgraded - no options today, but move to R8 tomorrow. Recheck in 1 week. Dr Gardner

2024-09-19 16:59 MS

Group entry: 2 animals

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
add note "Note R wing droop for orange"

2024-09-19 14:30 KK
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 150 g m total
Exercise: 8-10x. Penguins flew 10x well. Orange struggled, only flying 5x and the
rt wing seemed to be at an odd angle,
[26392] / 18110/penguins / HY / UNK -
[26426] / 18156/orange / HY / UNK -

2024-09-18 16:42 MS
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 149 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Flight eval

Both BARP. NOLO seen. Changed water.

[26392] / 18110/penguins / HY / UNK - I think this bird is ready to go after an imping.
Mostly silent, needs no encouragement to fly. I would have liked to see longer glides
[26426] / 18156/orange / HY / UNK - Still has significant lean to the right. struggled
to get off ground.

Flight eval
Exam date - 2024-09-18
Examiner - MS
Only flew 3x before giving up. Significantly leaning to the right. Having a difficult time even getting to the low perch.

2024-09-17 15:40 LKM
Leftovers: 96
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 140 g m total

BARP, smaller owl flew in excess of 10x, the larger owl only flew 7x and had to encourage
but even then did not want to fly and was very defensive, clacky

[26392] / 18110/penguins / HY / UNK -
[26426] / 18156/orange / HY / UNK -

2024-09-16 16:26 GM
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 139 m (+ vit + Ca)
Exercise: 8-10x Did not exercise due to rain.

QARP, then flew p2p. Hissy/clacky. Changed water. NOLO

2024-09-15 16:16 KG
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 2 animals
Food in cage: 148g 3 m/2 ck TOTAL
Exercise: 8-10x

[26392] / 18110/penguins / HY / UNK - Teal/green? Ok at flying but noisy and flappy.
ex 10x.
[26426] / 18156/orange / HY / UNK - Very very flappy and wobbly in the air, and seems
to tilt with right wing down. Required a LOT of prodding to fly. ex 6x.

2024-09-14 16:00 ABH
Leftovers: 0
Group entry: 3 animals
Food in cage: 183g m in total

NOLO. BARP. 3 birds in enclosure. Chatty, no clacking. Did not become defensive.

[26392] / 18110/penguins / HY / UNK -
[26426] / 18156/orange / HY / UNK -
[26552] / 18188/purple / HY / UNK - Flew back and forth twice

2024-09-14 11:47 cd
Weight: 777 grams, Leftovers: 0
Band changed to: 18156/orange

Flew perch to perch in original enclosure. Attempted to perch but landed on ground in R28 - prompted to fly and he made it about halfway up the ramp on the other side, then ran up ramp.

2024-09-13 13:18 Dr. G/CD
Weight: 776 grams, Keel score: 3.5, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +29 g (4 %)
Food: 66 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Butorphanol tartrate: 0.15 cc (10 mg/ml inj) IM
Vet check: Recheck flight
PT: PROM Right radius/ulna - PT, patagial massage, GIVE TORB

Brought Torb outside for PT. Bird is flying better, noisy but less labored.
Wing extension is vastly improved! Close to normal before PT!
I would like to d/c PT and move somewhere bigger for more exercise.
The wing is still displaced outwards, so remains to be seen how much that affects him in the long run.
Will recheck in 1 week. -Dr. Gardner

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing

2024-09-12 16:05 ah

Food: 67 g ck
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Exercise: x 3 perch to perch, flew perch to wall/ceiling x 2
Bird was on perch upon arrival, water was clean.

2024-09-11 17:44 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 65g dk m (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
PT: PROM Right radius/ulna - PT, patagial massage, GIVE TORB

Grabbed to give torb then left for other birds' txs. Great extension at time of pt. Flew perch to perch several times during grabbing, got some air - not great flight but better than previous, corner clinging sometimes.

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing
Started out with much better ext, wrist took some pushing to get to 180 but achieved.

2024-09-10 15:48 jd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 66 g ck
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Exercise: 4-6x
Clacking, trouble perching, when completing lap would use the stick to climb back on perch instead of flying, only completed 4 laps

2024-09-09 16:58 cd/srm
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Exercise: 4-6x

BARP upon entering. Flew perch to perch 2x, then crashed to ground and refused to fly. While on ground, hissing, clacking, defensive stance, panting, so stopped exercise attempts. Total exercise: 2x. NOLO

2024-09-08 16:48 EGG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 67 g M
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Exercise: 4-6x
Stubborn, preferred to hiss and clack rather than fly

2024-09-08 13:26 Dr G/ CD

Bird flew back and forth a couple of times, did get from perch to perch which was an improvement. There is still some rotation of R wing, but extension of carpus when posturing seems improved.

Has not had PT for several days. I looked at bird outside but didn't realize that, also I didn't realize he was down for it today because it didn't come up on my check sheet. I would start back on PT but also try daily exercise. Changed to get PT tomorrow and EOD, along w/ mild exercise. Recheck 9/13.

2024-09-07 14:45 AH/MS
Leftovers: 0
63g m
0.25cc Melox (1.5mg/ml susp)

NOLO. BARP. Flew across enclosure once without incident. Audible flight. Lots of clacking. Defensive.

2024-09-06 17:51 mb/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 63 g m(+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

NOLO, BARP- in defensive position, clicking loudly

2024-09-05 15:55 /jb/ah/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g m/ck
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
QAR, perched

2024-09-04 16:58 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 64g m (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

Flew perch to perch a few times with a good bit of effort, but successfully perched each time.

2024-09-03 17:27 ME/MS
Weight: 747 grams, Keel score: 3.5, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +26 g (4 %)
Food: 63 g m
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Butorphanol tartrate: 0.14 cc (10 mg/mL inj) IM
PT: PROM Right radius/ulna - PT, patagial massage without anesthesia - wing stiff but ROM improved with pretty aggressive PT. Did not achieve full ROM; distal wing still rotated "backwards" slightly
Wound care/bandage change: give torb for PT

BARP, flew p2p then to ground. NOLO. Gave water.

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing

2024-09-02 16:58 sc/srm
Leftovers: 0
Food: 59 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

Bar,perched,nolo, nothing else of note

2024-09-01 18:30 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 61g dk m (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
PT: PROM Right radius/ulna

Grabbed for PT, admin 0.14cc torb IM. Elbow got decent extension after a few reps, wrist got better extension than it did last time i did his PT but still extremely stiff and not to full.

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing

2024-08-31 14:30 CD/AH
Leftovers: 0
64g ck

NOLO. BARP. Crossed enclosure once without incident. Lots of clacking.

2024-08-30 16:46 mb/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 60 g dk m (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

NOLO, BARP- vocal and clicking, puffed out feathers and shifted talons around on perch

2024-08-30 13:11 Dr G/ MS

Flying per Milan but not well. Lateral rotation of distal wing readily apparent.
Under GA checked ulna pin placement then opted to remove.
Removal was VERY difficult - had to use pin chuck and then remove slowly w/ traction. Pin is quite bent.
My suspicion with this bird is that the previous displacement overcame the pins and bandage and have caused both bones to heal with some rotation.
I am not sure why but also the carpal ROM is still poor.
Did PT, carpus partially improved but with a lot of work.
I would like to see how this bird does w/ the pin out, is he able to exercise himself more? Will the carpal ROM improve and will he be able to adjust to the rotation of the wing?
I would like to give 2 more weeks - but prognosis is guarded.

2024-08-29 16:40 jbmgs/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 67ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

2024-08-28 16:14 cd/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 68 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Wound care/bandage change: give torb for PT, give outside so it can take effect before anesthesia
Butorphanol: 0.14 IM

BARP. Flew perch to perch a few times. grabbed and admin torb outside. Anaesthetized under ISO and oxygen via mask (4.5% ind, 3% maint) for PT. Wrist did not get to full ext; very stiff after many reps. Cleaned off pin end and site; tape had come off and was just stuck to feathers. Retaped but may just come off again.

2024-08-27 18:18 lkm/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 67 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

PT: PROM Right radius/ulna - PT, patagial massage, Velcro wrap. Check ulna pin is still in place, apply triple AB - under anesthesia - do to time, postponed to tomorrow.

2024-08-26 17:27 gm/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP, Defensive posture, clacky.

2024-08-26 14:46 RMB

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
Switch to SID

2024-08-26 09:05 eb/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 33 g dk m (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BAR, clacky
perched on R perch
flew from R perch to L stick ramp, then hopped up to L perch - would not fly again
4 pellets collected

2024-08-25 16:28 jh/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 40 g m
flew from L perch to R ramp and climbed it to perch

2024-08-25 10:12 RMB

Food: 37 g m
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
PT: PROM Right radius/ulna - PT, patagial massage, Velcro wrap. Check ulna pin is still in place, apply triple AB - under anesthesia - No Velcro wrap, Was flying, pin all good. PT under 3% ISO via mask. Massage and PT was never able to get to full extension. Very reactive during to most intense ROM.

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing

2024-08-24 16:16 jh/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 34 g dk m
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BARP, clacky, NOLO
flew a few laps while i collected pellets

2024-08-24 09:49 cd/kj/mlm
Leftovers: 0
Food: 35g m
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
BARP - perched high when entered, flew to opposite side and landed low on ramp/stick, got up to perch and started getting big and clacking

2024-08-23 17:23 cd
Leftovers: 9
Food: 34g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP, clacky, puffed up defensively. 9g LO removed

2024-08-23 11:06 Dr G/ SC
Weight: 721 grams, Keel score: 3.0
Weight change: -39 g (5 %)
Sunny shared a concern about the way the wing lies at rest. The wing has been unwrapped for a few days and the bird is in a larger mew now.
Walked out to observe bird in mew. He is on a high perch, lifts the right (fractured wing) higher and sooner than the left wing. There is a slight curve outward (laterally) of the mid to distal wing. The bird does attempt to fly and made it most of the way across the mew.
Brought inside and anesthetized for radiographs. The fractures are nicely calloused; ulna pin still in place. Slightly bent, likely causing the outwards placement of the distal wing.
I suspect that the bending may be due to the large amount of callous already present at the fracture site the day of surgery, displacing the fracture slightly.
The carpus is still stiff but did improve with work.
Located the end of the ulnar pin, applied triple antibiotic ointment.
P: Continue as before, PT every 2-3 days. Ok to d/c antibiotics and change Meloxicam to SID. I agree w/ using Torb - recommend bringing outside when you go to get the bird so it can take effect on the way in. Will recheck and likely remove ulna pin next week.
Stimulate flight when feeding SID - not really exercise but make him at least try.
NOTE: I suspect weight is down because prior weight was with wrap but monitor. Dr Gardner

Food: 56 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Meloxicam: 0.25 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Vet check: PT
Radiograph: R radius/ulna
Keel check
PT: PROM Right radius/ulna - PT, patagial massage, Velcro wrap. Check ulna pin is still in place, apply triple AB - under anesthesia
Wound care/bandage change: give torb for PT, give outside so it can take effect before anesthesia

2024-08-22 16:00 RMB/JB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 32 g m/ck
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Clacky and hissy

2024-08-22 09:06 sc/mkff
Leftovers: 0
Food: 34 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BAR - sitting on perch, watching

2024-08-21 17:44 mb/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 41g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BAR, flew perch to perch, NOLO

2024-08-21 11:46 RMB/RTS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 30 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

2024-08-20 16:50 lkm/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 35 g m
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP, clacky, defensive, watched me intently, NOLO

2024-08-20 09:18 sc
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g ck
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

The bird is BAR and moving around on his own in the enclosure. Brought inside for PT under 4% ISO via mask. The right wing is very stiff. There is concern about how the wrist hangs on the R side. In the future, give a dose of torb before PT, as he struggled several times while under. Opted to move to R12b to see if the bigger space allows us to see the wing while perched and gives more room for exercise.

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing
Wing is still very stiff. Pin is in place and not distrubed. Unable to reach full extention for wrist or elbow. The right wrist also hangs dorsally unlike the left side.

2024-08-19 17:36 RMB/SRM
Leftovers: 0
Food: 41 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Note movement of R wing/wrist, droop? Did not note R wing droop.

BAR, hissy, defensive stance, clacky, perched

2024-08-19 08:55 eb/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 37 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Note movement of R wing/wrist, droop?

perched; left side of body against wall
no obvious R wing droop observed
went into defensive stance upon entry

2024-08-18 17:33 cd

Food: 32g m
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

Moved back out to 12a. Perched on low ramp. No droop evident, holding both wings up, not extending wrist much but did flap with it quite a lot while grabbing from kennel.

2024-08-18 12:01 cd

Checked on - initially holding R wrist higher than L, then puffed wings up. L wing has normal defensive posture, R wing raises but wrist does not extend to spread feathers. No droop seen at any point.

2024-08-18 11:28 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 34g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
PT: PROM Right radius/ulna - PT, patagial masseage, Velcro wrap. Check ulna pin is still in place, apply triple AB - under anesthesia
Is my wing wrap still intact?

Brought inside for PT. Anaesthetized under ISO and oxygen via mask (5% ind, 2.5-4% maint; increased as needed, still resisting PT). Entire wing felt stiff even before attempting to extend. Wrist is the biggest problem. Made many attempts but could not get wrist to full ext, highest extension is only achievable while pushing hard. elbow just barely reaches full. Uneventful recovery from anaesthesia. consulted RMB, opted to leave wrap completely off and monitor for droop. If none seen, will leave off for him to start moving the wing on his own. Set up in KR2 temporarily to monitor

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing
extremely stiff, could not reach full extension even with many attempts under ISO

2024-08-17 15:41 bt/RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 37 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Wrap in place

2024-08-17 09:30 cd/mlm
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g m/ck
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? - Looks fine

2024-08-16 18:03 MB/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 35 g dk m(+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

wrap intact
NOLO, BARP- flew from perch onto wall, held onto bars

2024-08-16 11:24 Dr. G/MS
Weight: 760 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: -1 g (0 %)
Food: 31 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Vet check: PT
PT: Right radius/ulna - PT, patagial masseage, Velcro wrap. Check ulna pin is still in place, apply triple AB - under anesthesia
Is my wing wrap still intact?

Bird is BAR and very feisty, attempting to fly per MS (w/ wrap on).
When wrap removed right carpus is noticeably stiff. There is no swelling - some resolving yellow bruising is noted over the dorsal r/u where the initial fracture was.
Took a VD radiograph - callouses looks good, everything is still very well-aligned.
I suspect some of the stiffness is due to some thickening of the patagium just proximal to the carpus, so incorporated patagial massage in with the ROM of joints. I also think that it is easy to overflex the carpus while wrapping.
Did not wrap w/ vet wrap, just Velcro today, and left it a little looser so hopefully the carpus would have a little mobility within the wrap.
Continue EOD PT. Will consider removing pin next week. Continue antibiotics - radius fracture was initially open. Dr Gardner

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing
Distal patagial seems stiff/ thickened, did patagial massage as well.

2024-08-16 11:17 Dr. G/MS
Leftovers: 0

2024-08-15 16:25 JB/KK
Leftovers: 0
Food: 37 g m/ck
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? Yes

2024-08-15 10:01 me/mkf
Leftovers: 0
Food: 3 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact?

BAR - Perched and in defensive stance
Wing wrap still intact

2024-08-14 15:05 MS /GC
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP on high perch, NOLO, clacky and defensive. Wing wrap looks in place.

2024-08-14 11:15 me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 33 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Anesthetized with ISO via mask (5% Induction, 3% maintain) for PT: Right radius/ ulna - elbow and wrist very stiff, took several minutes to achive full extension; ulna pin is still in place, applied triple AB
rebandaged with padded Fig 8 and velcro wrap, duct tape chew tabs
refeathering large section of dorsal rad/ulna area and patagium

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing
Took several minutes to achive full ROM

2024-08-13 17:21 AAH/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 35 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? YES


2024-08-13 10:25 RMB/EA/AE
Leftovers: 6
Food: 33 g ck
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? wrap ok

2024-08-12 16:48 jh/rmb
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? yes, not even picked at
BARP, NOLO, clacky

2024-08-12 11:15 me
Weight: 761 grams, Leftovers: 7
Weight change: +21 g (3 %)
Food: 33 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
7 g LO
Anesthetized with ISO via mask (5% Induce, 3% maintain) for PT: Right radius/ ulna - elbow and wrist fairly stiff, unable to achieve full ROM after a few minutes

R ulna pin is still in place, applied triple AB
Is my wing wrap still intact? Yes

Applied padded Fig 8 and velcro wrap

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing

2024-08-11 17:25 RMB/JD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 37g m
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? Y

No wing droop, clacking, perched, BAR

2024-08-11 11:22 GC/FM/ME
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g ck
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? Y

BARP, clacky, NOLO.

2024-08-10 16:39 sd/ms
Leftovers: 0
Food: 38g m

BARP. Puffing up and clacking. Wing wrap still on.
No LOs

2024-08-10 09:05 cd/mm/kmj
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g m
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? Yes it is.

2024-08-09 17:42 mb/cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g dk m (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

wing wrap intact
NOLO, BARP- perched and clicking loudly, stayed perched in one spot

2024-08-09 13:58 DR G/ CD/ RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 34 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Vet check: Recheck radiographs

Radiographs under anesthesia today - pin placement looks good, although the radius pin has migrated slightly closer to elbow.
ROM is decent, although understandably impeded by the carpal pin.
Both fracture are nicely aligned and there is a little visible callous, as well as a lot of palpable callous.
Given all of the above opted to pull the radius pin. Removed smoothly, triple antibiotic ointment on pin exit site (although really barely visible).
Did PT, the carpus loosened up a bit but still does have slightly reduced ROM. Rewrapped wing in figure-8 with light padding. Will continue as before, recheck radiographs in 2 weeks.
Can d/c Tramadol. Dr Gardner

2024-08-08 10:31 RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 67 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? yes

Floor was flooded, do not think there was any LOs. Place food on perch.


2024-08-07 15:36 GC/RMB
Leftovers: 37
Food: 41 g drk m (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

Is my wing wrap still intact? Y, but already getting to work on chew tabs!

BARP, clacky and hissy. 2 whole (37 g) LO drk m from this morning but seems to have eaten some liver/guts from one - has big empty hole in abdomen.

2024-08-07 11:59 MS
Weight: 740 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +7 g (1 %) WITH WRAP
Food: 37 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
PT: Right radius/ ulna - PT, rewrap
Is my wing wrap still intact? Yes

BARP, very bitey and feisty in hand. Anesthetized under 3% iso for PT. No more bruising, and suture line looks great. Wrist was stiffer than elbow, and bird started resisting when wrist was manipulated, so turned up to 4%. Recovery was quick and uneventful. Almost escaped from box when put back. Move to larger enclosure.


Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing
3x reps for 10 seconds each joint + shoulder rotations

2024-08-06 16:45 SK/ME
Leftovers: 0
Food: 31 g m
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

NOLO perched + mantling, wing wrap intact
biggest 1-wing mantle ever!

2024-08-06 09:36 me/ea/ae
Leftovers: 0
Food: 33 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? wrap ok

BARP, clacky, changed papers

2024-08-05 18:05 RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 30g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

2024-08-05 10:43 sc

ROM came quickly without too much pushing. I didn't want to push too hard with the wrist or elbow since these are just IM pins without any external fixations. Placed figure 8 with cast padding and velcro wrap back on

Physical therapy
Limb/jointRight wing
PT under 2.5% ISO via mask went well. No signs of struggle under ane and the elbow is very close to full ROM. The wrist, also stiff at first got good ROM considering the pin is still in.

2024-08-04 17:06 GC/CD
Leftovers: 0
Food: 38 g m
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? Y

BARP, NOLO, clacky and hissy

2024-08-04 10:10 RMB/DG
Leftovers: 0
Food: 37 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact?

BAR, perched, wing wrap in place, trying to fly away and clacking, NOLO

2024-08-03 17:18 bw/jh

Food: 39 g m
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? Yes
BARP, defensive posture and clacky

2024-08-03 09:15 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 32g ck
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact?

BARP, clacky. nolo. Bandage intact

2024-08-02 17:11 mb/cd
Leftovers: 35
Food: 34 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

35 g LO m, BARP- stayed perched with wings extended, vocal / clicking

bandage intact

2024-08-02 12:30 dr G/ Claire
Weight: 733 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +4 g (1 %)
Food: 35 g m/ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

Bird is very BAR. Anesthetized and took a brief radiograph to check radius pin placement first. The radius pin had again migrated deeper into the radius, tip again appeared to be protruding into the elbow joint infinitesimaly. Again pulled the pin out a bit. Tried to rebend the pin to make it less likely to migrate again - but wasn't really successful. Ultimately ended up wrapping the protruding bit fairly well in tape to hopefully prevent migration again. However, need to check pin placement with rads during PT.
The radius pin will only stay in about 2 weeks as it will impeded PT for the carpus.
All in all, alignment looks great. Fractures already seem stable and the incision is healing well. Bruising is mostly resolved over the dorsal wing.
PT on elbow, fairly good ROM.
Re-bandaged - this time a figure-8 under the Velcro wrap.
Continue w/ PT, will recheck next week. Dr Gardner

2024-08-01 15:35 ah/rb
Leftovers: 35
Food: fed 34 g ck; 35 g m LO
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? yes
Bird sitting on perch upon arrival/ BAR

2024-08-01 10:57 kv/me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 39 g m
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact?

BARP, NOLO, clacky, jumping around, wing wrap looks good, changed towels and dropped food.

2024-07-31 17:22 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36g m (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? - yes

BARP, NOLO. Dropped food

2024-07-31 12:08 TR/MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 46 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Vet check: Radiographs, pull radius pin out a bit if too near the joint
Radiograph: right radius/ ulna
PT: Right radius/ ulna - PT, rewrap
Move to - condo
Is my wing wrap still intact?

Veterinary Recheck, Right Wing, Recent Radius and Ulna Fracture Repair:

Patient placed under brief general Isoflurane anesthesia.
Radiographs were taken of the right wing to evaluate the IM pin placement relative to the joint spaces. Dr. Garner had a message to check the placement of the radius pin as she thought the pin distally may be touching or within the elbow joint space.
Radiography showed the radius pin did indeed enter the elbow joint space but just a couple of millimeters.
Using pliers I gently grasped the distal end of the radius pin and pulled it out slightly. Repeat radiographs taken after show the radius pin has now been advanced out of the joint space.

Alignment of both the radius and ulna fractures is very good with both pin placements.

There were no cross pins placed in the ulna and no external fixator used to incorporate the IM pins. Due to this there may be some concern for lack of rotational stability overall. I think if the wing is kept wrapped in flexion with external bandage or canvas wing wrap then hopefully there will be enough stability.

Pin sites were examined and look very good. No drainage. There remains moderate bruising overall from injury but the dermis is intact and incision looks very good.

Cleansed pin exit sites with betadine swab and applied small amount of SSD ointment to pin exit sites.

Placed tap cap over end of both ulna and radius pins for protection.

Patient recovery from anesthesia was smooth and normal.

Medications were given oraly once the owl was awake.

Dr. Tracey Ritzman, DVM, Dipl ABVP-Avian & Exotic Companion Mammals


2024-07-30 18:41 sc/bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 32g m
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact?--yes

nolo, perched, very clacky and alert.

2024-07-30 09:10 me
Leftovers: 0
Food: 32 g m
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
BAR, perched, clacky
Is my wing wrap still intact? YES

2024-07-29 17:47 bw/gm
Leftovers: 0
Food: 40g ck +vit +Ca
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

nolo very clacky and defensive. perched

2024-07-29 13:02 me/sec

Band changed to: 18156

2024-07-29 09:30 me/sec

Food: 36 g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Buprenorphine: 0.36 cc (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact?
NOLO, BAR, clacky, perched
ID# is 18156

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
switch to Tramadol

2024-07-28 18:16 GC/BW
Leftovers: 14
Food: 31 g ck
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Buprenorphine: 0.36 cc (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? Y

Crouched on perch. BARP, clacky, defensive, bitey. 1 mouse head + butt (14 g) LO

2024-07-28 08:45 RMB/DG
Weight: 729 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +14 g (2 %)
Food: 35 g m
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Buprenorphine: 0.36 cc (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact?-yes

Very BAR, nolo

2024-07-27 18:15 AAH/MS

Collection date2024-07-27
Collection date2024-07-27

2024-07-27 17:39 bw
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36g m c/u
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Buprenorphine: 0.36 cc (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM

Perched and alert. bitey clacky/bitey. Grabbed to give meds.

2024-07-27 14:19 Dr. G/MS

Bandage change and radiographs with Dr. Tracey Wednesday. After closely examining radiographs post-operatively I am concerned that the radius pin is too close to elbow joint. Please pull out a bit if there is any concern.
PT every 2-3 days after that.
I will check next Friday.
Switch to buprenorphine tonight. Dr Gardner

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
d/c tram, start bup again

Surgery report
Procedure - Fracture repair - ulna and radius
Performed by - Dr G
Surgery time - 70 minutes

Prepped whole dorsal r/u and cranial carpus for surgery. 
While prepping removed a scab and there was a small point of
bone protruding from the distal fragment of the radius fracture.

Draped over the fracture site and clipped off as much of the
protruding bone as I could. Incised over the fracture site and
proximally. Identifed the cranial fragment of the radius and
removed all bone that appeared abnormal (dark, soft). There was
significant callous over the fracture ends, so had to gently
debride as well to maneuver the bone fragments and open the medullary
canals. Placed a 0.03 pin into the distal end of the radius and
drove it retrograde out the carpus, flexing it strongly for proper
After that, aligned the ends of the radius fracture and drove
the pin proximally. 
Then moved to the ulna fracture. Located the fracture ends through
blunt dissection. Placed a 0.045 pin into the proximal curvature
of the ulna and directed into the medullary canal. Once the tip
of the pin was visible at the fracture sight, aligned the two
fragments (with some effort) and drove the pin across the fracture.

Checked pin placement radiographically; drove the ulnar pin a
little more proximal after radiographs, did not recheck radiographically.

Flushed fracture site well. Closed muscle w/ horizontal mattress
pattern, skin w/ Ford Interlocking pattern, both w/ 4-0 PDS.

Cleaned surgery site. Bent radius pin parallel with the bone
and cut. 
Cut ulna pin close to entrance. 
SSD over incision, TAB over pin sites. Telfa, padding, figure-8
w/ Vet-wrap and chew tabs. 
Bird recovered quickly. 
I opted not to place an external fixator on this bird's ulna,
although that is considered ideal. He was under awhile due to
the chronic nature of the fractures; also the bones were so slender
that I felt there could be issues with the cross-pinning. I have
seen these fractures do well with just IM pinning. Dr Gardner

2024-07-27 11:36 MS
Leftovers: 0
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Butorphanol tartrate: 0.07 cc (0.10 mg/mL inj) IM
Is my wing wrap still intact? Yes

BARP, clacky and bitey in hand. NOLO. Pre-med for surgery.

2024-07-26 18:21 MS

Food: 30 g dk m (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact?: Yes

BARP, clacking. Had one mouse LO, but left it there.

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
end quarantine

2024-07-26 11:48 MS
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36 g m (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 cc (40 mg/mL susp) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Collected fecal
Is my wing wrap still intact?: Yes

BARP, clacky. Paper was scrunched up at the front of kennel, so bird left large puddle of mutes under perch. Did not grab. Changed papers. NOLO.

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
switch to tram

2024-07-25 16:09 RMB
Leftovers: 0
Food: 31 g ck

Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Tramadol: 0.36 ml PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact?-yes

BARP, hissy

2024-07-25 14:58 MS

Discussed 431's failed test with KD. Decided to place exposed birds under 72-hour quarantine after last exposure, which will be Saturday morning.

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
extend quarantine to Saturday morning

2024-07-25 11:30 lm/me
Leftovers: 14
Food: 35g m
SQ fluids: 30cc - gave bc had LO's
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Buprenorphine: 0.36 cc (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Is my wing wrap still intact? - wrap was good, added more duct tape
BAR, perched, clacky fiesty
14g los

2024-07-24 17:10 cd
Leftovers: 0
Food: 36g ck (+ vit + Ca)
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Buprenorphine: 0.36 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP and clacky. Grabbed for injection and PO meds. Didn't know bird hadn't received AM food, so assumed NOLO - did not admin fluids or ff.

2024-07-24 11:41 MS

Postpone surgery until Friday with Dr. G due to exposure to suspect bird (RTHA 26). TR has no concern with waiting until test results come in. Keep wing wrapped in fig 8.

Low parasite load, but start short course of fenben.

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
start fenben SIDx3. quarantine, wear PPE.

Collection date2024-07-24
ResultsPOS for
Collection date2024-07-24

2024-07-24 09:30 RMB/ES
Weight: 715 grams
Surgery pre med

SQ fluids: 30cc
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Buprenorphine: 0.36 ml (0.6 mg/ml inj) IM

Vet check: Potential surgery

2024-07-23 18:18 MS

Could not thoroughly evaluate fecal. Sample was left out to dry. Collect fresh sample tomorrow.

2024-07-23 17:51 MS
Leftovers: 35
Food: 37 g m
SQ fluids: 30 cc R leg
Clindamycin: 0.72 cc (Compounded 100 mg/ml susp) PO
Enrofloxacin: 1/2 tab (22.7 mg tab) PO
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.34 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO

BARP, bitey in hand. Did not eat previous meal.

2024-07-23 14:16 MS

TR will evaluate tomorrow. If nerve is intact, plan for surgery.

----------- ORDER CHANGE -------------
start enro/clinda in preparation for surgery

2024-07-23 10:40 MS
Weight: 716 grams, Leftovers: 0
Weight change: +34 g (5 %)
Food: 36 g m
SQ fluids: 30 cc L leg
Meloxicam: 0.24 cc (1.5 mg/ml susp) PO
Tramadol: 0.34 cc (40 mg/ml susp) PO
Collected fecal

BARP, clacking and bitey in hand. Anesthetized at 5% iso and maintained at 3%. Fast HR. Radiographs confirmed midshaft u/r fx. Still swollen and both bones are moderately displaced. Forwarded images to TR to determine surgical candidacy. Dark green bruising ventrally. Recovery was a bit slow, but uneventful. Changed paper and bird stood behind perch when put back. NOLO.

2024-07-22 16:24 bw
Weight: 682 grams, Keel score: 3.0

------------- PHYSICAL EXAM FINDINGS ----------------
Behavior and Neuro: BAR
Mouth: clear
Ears: clear
Keel and pectoral muscles: nsf
Pelvis: nsf
Vent: wnl
Body condition score: 3
Left wing: nsf
Right ulna and radius: mobile fracture, swelling at fracture site
Left leg: nsf
Right leg: nsf
Ectoparasites: flat flies

Bird was found in yard with wing dragging/displaced. Bird was taken to Wildlife Rescue of Charlotte who transferred the bird to Carolina Wildlife Sanctuary who then transferred the bird to us.
Previously given Butorphanol IM and Meloxicam IM. Figure 8 wrap placed on injured wing

Bird presented very alert and bitey. A mobile fracture is present on the left radius and ulna. The fracture is midshaft and felt relatively aligned but swelling made it difficult to fully palpate. Otherwise no other injuries found.

0.06c Meloxicam IM
0.28cc Buprenorphine IM
30cc LRS SQ

Bird will need rads tomorrow and consult with vet if the fractures are suitable for surgery

Version 4.0.2 - 4.0.7 Tue Oct 15 20:28:43 2024